Wider Visions is a company which offers coaching, courses and community to nurture internal & external growth. It is rooted in a place of wellness expansion.

Working with this brand felt like a natural state for me as I spend a lot of my own time contemplating my mental and spiritual wellness. To be given the opportunity to help it’s audience feel warm, welcomed and light was been a pleasure.

When I came into my role with Wider Visions, there were previously established brand guidelines.

I had the chance to come in and push where the hard lines are versus where there is flexibility — where there is a room for a shift, for growth.

I’ve done thorough work on the website, building visuals for social presence and creating a sub-brand for the Wider Visions Podcast; Embrace Your In-Between.

For now, I’ll focus on the Website and the Podcast.

Imagery is being used to focus on the human behind the mission.

Human emotion can be difficult to capture in a photo, but for this brand it’s essential that the imagery is being used to communicate things that are often not yet tangible.

Much of those connecting with Wider Visions feel something is missing, or they’re not yet living to their fullest potential. The imagery is being used to communicate Wider Visions’ acceptance and embrace of this human feeling.

This section has the opportunity to be especially impactful — as it is the introduction to what, who and why Wider Visions is.

The image chosen here is meant to communicate the copy it lives with.

“Growth, expansion and transformation occurs from the inside out.”

I utilized the brands own-able visual assets, the minimal, deconstructed shapes, to convey an expansion from inside out.

A vision begins inside the head, and is grown through actionable steps, the hands.

Podcast Cover Art, Webpage & Marketing Assets

This section is meant to feel light, breathable and easy to comprehend.

Brand visual guides have been put into place with paired copy to reinforce points at hand.

Call to actions prompt a listen on your preferred platform.

Each Episode has it’s own respective page featuring a direct play feature as well as description and timestamps calling out key points throughout the podcast.


